graffiti... rantings... stories... my own carnival life written with iridescent lights...

Monday, November 20, 2006

song of the girl in the boat

the breathless whisper of a single verse,
and loneliness blossoms in my heart;
the shimmer of a single dream
and my world is undone.
the memory of a single tenderness
and the sting of love reignites my wounds ;
in the moment when a single tear falls,
all hatred becomes a distant blur.
i can love you with all that i am,
but even this cannot return you to me.
from now on i will live as a shadow
forever in the past
forever in the past...

-----------the banquet

Sunday, November 05, 2006

bidding adieu

I'm so tired. I've never been this tired before.. ever... I'm tired of my job... of talking... of waiting... of being at my best.. of failing... of dreaming.. of hoping... of crying... of singing.. of dancing...

I've lost my will to get up in the evening and get out of the house to go to work... and God forbid.. I'm starting to lose even my will to go to sleep in the morning...

Nothing makes sense to me anymore... Everything is a sham... I'm becoming more of a failure with each day that passes...I need a rest...Please take me home...